Monday 9 July 2012

Short review: Sungkyunkwan scandal

By all means, even though I have only watched 7 epsiodes of this drama so far- this absolutely blew me away.
First of all- the role of each character that sets of little sparks as the plot slowly reveals itself, and the chemistry between the male leads with the pretty boy kim yoon shik really makes this drama what it is. I had my down moments with the beginning of the drama- and how little interest i took of the opening- but once past that- the whole drama becomes something different.

Without even realising- we meet these 3 flower boys right in the first episode all from different backgrounds. There's the highly respected and upright lee seon joon. The flower boy goo young ha and the rebellious and mysterious moon jae shin. All these 3 men will be the heart-throbs of jealous girls all over the world.
I like how the drama subconsciously perks these 3 important roles into the first episode without making too much of a scene. It allows our mind time to recall them and point to the screen saying ''OH! I remember him!!'' I think also, this sly method of introducing us to the main male roles of the drama is perhaps to reflect on the very simple message that ''you already have the things that you're looking for''. In this case- how she has already met the people she will meet- but doesn't know how important they will be in her life soon at this very point.

And then- prepare yourselves for all to come. Bracing myself and trying not to squeal in the middle of the night is one of the hardest things you'll find yourself doing- especially when it's between these two love birds.
Only at episode 1 and I find myself encountering one of the most effective yet simple sweet scenes from the drama.

But it's not only the sweet sugar like scenes that I enjoy in this drama- there's more to it than just that. This drama is full of confuscius expressions- where I find myself staring at the screen in confusion. These simple phrases are just lines of brilliance- so much meaning and integrity stored inside every line makes you think that there is MUCH more than just words in every line. These expressions convey the intelligence of kim yoo shik who we come to really admire from her (cough- or should I say his) understanding of life from her past experiences and the sufferings she's gone through.

And in every drama- there always has to be a twist point for the main roles right. Well, kim yoo shik- do not be disappointed- for the king awaits you with a position as a sungkyunkwan scholar.
I pity her at this point- but it's for the best of her family. Of course she has to agree reluctantly- she not only has her brother to save- but the ratings of the drama to save too- I mean- we can't keep the audience bored can we? Plot change- come on!
Before this point from the beginning of the drama- I thought I was going to die in boredom and I felt like this was going to be another one of those dramas again where it's long and draggy. But what to expect when you're least expecting? Surprises- and this one came as a pleasant one as I sat in my seat upright- anticipatively awaiting the good news from the king. I was hoping to get more doses of the risky ''girl has to pretend she's a boy'' sort of thing- and the fact that she's now a sungkyunkwan scholar means that we'll be sharing this experience for most of the drama. This calls for tension and drama. Yipeee! 

And the encounters with the opposite sex who happen to fall for the main roles makes this drama a little more interesting. The humorous thought of chosun falling for a woman, and hyo eun thinking she has a chance with the stuck up seo joon makes us roll around in laughter. The cute accountancy between the couples adds to the quick witted-ness of the drama and also gives the story another dimension. Perhaps it'll allow us to understand the character's complex more whilst we're at it as well..or will there be love rivals and tension from this?

And is the screenwriter trying to constantly kill us with these cute scenes? They keep making me want to scream at the top of my lungs ''she's a girl! A girl!!''- but so early into the drama- there's another part of me that wants to keep the secret just a little while longer. Just so we can test how strong lee sun joon really is with that uprightness of his. 

And don't forget the flower boy! His cheekiness not only makes girls swoon- but sometimes- we wish that something can bite into that pride of his- and this scene does it perfectly. Choke and spit- now that's the way I like it. Had me choking for air as I watched this. Watching flower boy humiliated gave me some hope that perhaps cockiness and pride isn't always an impermeable barrier to life.

And how can we forget- she's a woman! A woman, sun joon! These ltitle scenes reminds us that she's still innocent and needs protection from the nasty world of men- nah, I'm just kidding haha.

And more cute scenes >.<
Can't get enough of these overrated cheesy scenes. But it's still cute.
But the close similarity between what these two men provide for her makes it easy for us to judge and compare the two- e.g. who's better for her? Perhaps the screenwriter is trying to reflect these actions on our judgement.

And the hilarity of the dorky scenes has only just started. These adorable scenes actually don't make sun joon look mean and inconsiderate- but instead leads me to think that he cares for her more than she realises. Hanging there dangling from a tree makes her look helpless- but also strong in sun joon's protection. Awww- if only reality could be like this too. 

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